What Is Eyebrow Microblading

Are you dissatisfied with your eyebrow shape and fullness? Have you heard that microblading might be the answer to your frustrations? By learning more about the process, you will be able to see for yourself why this trend is reaching people across all segments of society.

Your eyes are the most important feature of your face. Not only do you use them to view the world, folks look at your eyes more than the rest of your face.

Eyebrows serve as a frame for the upper side of your eyes. If they are too light, sparse or patchy, it can take a lot of work to make them look right. You might spend half of your time at the makeup mirror trying to draw them in with pencil, gently apply a soft powder or even both.

Ugh! Think of the time that you waste every time you are getting ready to go out. The good news is that you don’t have to remain stuck in that time-consuming rut.

Microblading is a modern technique built upon older knowledge. The process is completely sterile and involves applying a semi-permanent color to your brow area. With a minimal investment of time, you can have gorgeous brows right out of bed!

microblading tools of the trade

So, what is microblading? It is similar to a tattoo, though there are some notable differences. While tattoos involve a special tool with multiple needles, eyebrow microblading only uses a small handheld device with a few needles on the tip. This allows for significantly smaller and more precise lines or strokes. Of course, this is important since the final results will be on your face. Each stroke creates a thin line that resembles an eyebrow hair. Click here to see microblading before and after pictures.

The first step of the process involves a consultation between the client and our microblaidng artist. It is important that you convey exactly what you want your eyebrows to look like. She will draw in the eyebrows and the two of you can discuss any adjustments before the skin is ever in contact with a needle.

A special numbing agent is applied to minimize the amount of pain that is felt during the process. You might also consider taking a couple of ibuprofen before the appointment to minimize the amount of pain you feel once the numbing cream wears off.

microbladingThen, the microblading tool is used to create several very thin lines. Every few strokes, she will stop and rub dye into the area. This is different than tattoo needles that deposit the dye directly beneath the surface of the skin. Microblading doesn’t go as deep, which is why it is semi-permanent rather than permanent like a tattoo.

Dye is rubbed in the area firmly to help push the dye down into the new wounds. Once the areas have been filled in, you will be able to look at your new brows. If you want more coverage, now is the time to ask!

Once everything is over, you will need to protect your brows for a few days. This includes staying out of the sun, not wearing makeup and skipping the gym. Sweating, potential infectious agents and UV rays can all open the lines before they have healed. This can lead to smudges and holes in your new, beautiful eyebrow hair like strokes.

It is important to find a skilled person to do your eyebrow microblading. Of course, you should know that they have microbladed brows and that it is okay to ask a personal question. Click here to book your consultation with us.

Check out our reviews. Our microblading artist is highly qualified and has a good reputation. This is vital for a beauty procedure that will be visible for a year or two.

Unless you have been genetically blessed with perfect eyebrows that don’t thin as you age, microblading is the answer to your long makeup sessions. No more worrying about drawing in your brows once you have this done! The small investment of time and money will easily pay for itself in reduced stress every morning!